Disturbance and recovery of vegetation at the sites of nuclear accidents in arctic Yakutia
Release of radionuclides; radioactive contamination; Yakutia; northern taiga; vegetation; recoveryAbstract
Two peaceful underground nuclear explosions conducted in the middle of 1970-s in the
Middle Siberia were followed by accidental release of radionuclides into the atmosphere. The
condition of vegetation within the impacted area was examined in 2002. The study showed
that norn1alization of radioactive situation and recovery of damaged vegetation did not happen
during this period. Radioactive contamination resulted in either total or partial elimination of
the vegetation. Four zones according to the degree of disturbance were distinguished. Patterns
of recovery are shown: some local shrubs are the most active colonizers, whereas reestablishing of larches occurs very slowly. Low rates of recovery can be explained by rather
bad natural condition for reproduction of larch, by presence of dead lichen cover which
prevents gern1ination of seeds and possibly low microbial and fungal activity caused by
radiation, Removal of heavily contaminated forest litter and sawing of local grasses and herbs
may accelerate the rate of vegetation recovery.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Tatjana Koroleva, Vladislav Petrovsky, Olga Khitun

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