Application of bioreactor landfill technology to municipal solid waste management: Asian perspective
Bioreactor landfill; Developing countries; Solid waste disposal; Tropical climate.Abstract
In recent years, due to the advance in knowledge of landfill behaviour and decomposition
processes of municipal solid waste (MSW), there has been a strong thrust to upgrade existing
landfill technology from a storage/containment concept to a process-based approach, in other
words, as a bioreactor landfill. Operating landfills as bioreactors and hence enhancing the
stabilization of wastes is one such option that has been elaborately investigated and had
already been in practice in the U.S. and European countries, As compared to many developed
countries, the concept of leachate recirculation is still relatively new to Asia, Nevertheless,
there are laboratory scale and pilot scale researches including few full-scale implementation
of this technology in Asia, Research and development activities relating to aspects of landfill
bioreactors are keeping the interest of scientists and engineers alive and enriching the
literatures. Findings of bioreactor landfill research have resulted in generation of enormous
data and their publication in variety of journals and books, Collating data from such diverse
sources would help understand the bioreactor landfill concept, benefits to be derived, design
and operational issues, possible solutions to many of these issues, ongoing researches, etc,
This paper is an attempt to present an overview in this direction in Asian perspective.
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