Anaerobic technology for treatment of concentrated wastewater from estonian food industries



  • H. Mölder Linnéuniversitetet
  • V. Blonskaya Linnéuniversitetet



Food industry; cheese whey; biodegradable organic; anaerobic treatment; UASB-reactor.


Anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies are used throughout the world for effective treatment of a wide variety of industrial wastewater, in particular for the wastewater from the food industry. This type of wastewater is rich in easily biodegradable carbohydrates and has a relatively low content in suspended solids. As an example, the anaerobic bio-degradation of organic matter in wastewater (cheese whey ) was studied on a laboratory - scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB). This wastewater was found characterized by high COD concentration, from 58.000 to 72.000 mg/L. The digester efficiency during
the treatment process of cheese wastewater at various organic loading rates (0.5 -16 kg COD/m3 • day ) was studied and its performance was assessed by monitoring the p value ( 6.8 -7.3 ) and biogas production ( up to 24 L /day ). The investigation has demonstrated that the process of anaerobic degradation was
sufficiently effective for COD removal.


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