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Author Guidelines

Surveyjournalen publishes articles on an open-access basis in Swedish, other Nordic languages, and English. The articles are published on the Surveyjournalen website.

Manuscripts are to be submitted by e-mail to exclusively in the form of MS Word files, using no templates. Academic papers are reviewed via an anonymous peer-review process. Once the decision to publish is made, the author will be provided with the reviewers’ comments. Following the decision to publish, the final version of the manuscript must be submitted by e-mail in the form of a MS Word document to Authors will be allowed to review the final proofs of their articles. Any questions should be submitted by e-mail to

Manuscript Layout Instructions
Title page
The title of the paper together with the authors’ names, institutional affiliations, and full addresses (including e-mail addresses and telephone numbers) must be provided on a separate title page.

An abstract in Swedish (maximum 150 words) describing the purpose, data, main results, and conclusions must be attached as a separate page.

Body text
Academic papers should not exceed 8000 words, including notes but excluding the reference list. The body text must use a maximum of two heading levels (in addition to the title). The upper-level heading level must be presented in bold text, the lower in italics.

Tables and figures
Tables and figures must be numbered and provided with descriptive headings. Tables and figures are to be attached separately, with one table/figure per page. The locations where tables and figures are to be inserted must be identified in the body text as per the following example: “Table 1 about here”.

Tables must be arranged so that they are consistent with the principles applied in the following example (one alternative is tables that are oriented horizontally in rows rather than in columns).  
Note that no per cent signs appear in the table; rather, the unit used is specified solely in the table heading. If possible, present percentage breakdowns rounded to whole numbers. Tables are to be constructed using the table function in MS Word. Tabs are not to be used in constructing tables.

Figures (i.e., graphs/diagrams, curves, models, and anything else not present in rows and tables) must adhere to the following example:

Use only footnotes that are numbered consecutively (1, 2, 3…). Footnotes are to be used for substantive comments, and never just for referencing purposes. 

References in text
The Harvard system is used for citations in the text, for example: (Barrling Hermansson & Hermansson 2011: 136; Andersson 2012: 105–107). A corresponding system should be used for citations of Internet sources, so use (Sveriges riksdag 2014) rather than citing the Internet address, which should be provided in the reference list (see below). Citations of the same author and year must be differentiated using letters appearing in alphabetical order after the year, for example: (Bromander 2012a: 33; 2012b: 129–152). 

Reference list
Cited literature and other sources must be identified in a separate reference list under the heading “References” and placed after the body text. Cited literature and other sources are listed in alphabetical order by the authors’ last names. For references to the same author that are differentiated using letters, “a” precedes “b”, and so on. All literature and other sources that are cited expressly in the text, and only those literature and sources, must be included in the reference list. The list must be arranged as per the following example:

Aylott, Nicholas & Niklas Bolin (2007): ”Toward a two-party system?: The Swedish Parliamentary Election of September 2006”, West European Politics, 30 (3), 621-633,

Fransson, Sara (2014): ”Klassidentifikation”, Surveyjournalen, 1 (1): 97-124, hämtad på internet:, 2014-12-19.

Jormfeldt, Johanna (2010): ”Den skolpolitiske vurmaren” i Avstamp: Svenska folkets värden och syn på brännande samhällsfrågor, Surveyinstitutet volym 1, red Magnus Hagevi. Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, s 105-117.

Hagevi, Magnus (1998): Bakom riksdagens fasad. Göteborg: Akademiförlaget Corona.

Naurin, Elin & Henrik Oscarsson (2012): ”Voter Perceptions of Party Pledges”, uppsats, Statsvetenskapliga förbundet, arbetsgruppen Politiskt beteende och partier, Växjö.

Sveriges riksdag (2014): ”Partistöd”, hämtad på internet:, 2014-01-15.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The author holds the rights required to publish the manuscript.
  • The manuscript file is in Microsoft Word format.
  • The text is single spaced in a 12-point font and uses italicisation rather than underlining for emphasis (except in URLs); all illustrations, figures, and tables are arranged so that they appear in their approximately intended locations in the text rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements compiled in Authors Guidelines below.

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