Purification based on phyto technology - diversity for success



  • Lars Kylefors Vatten och Samhällsteknik AB, Sweden


Through research and development since 1985 purification of polluted waters based on phytotechnology has gone from science to practise. Today most scientists and engineers as well as authorities agree on the possibilities and that it is even necessary to use such technology to achieve environmental quality targets set up by the society. The technique is assumed to be useful to: - purify leachate from landfills purify storm water purify waters polluted by nutrients - polish sewage water Using phyto-technology (nature given purification systems) means that you have to have information about relevant conditions regarding the status of the water, climate, soil and existing plants in the area. The construction of the system must follow relevant experience. Still there are risks with such systems as relative small disturbing factors in the assumed conditions can cause troubles, e.g. "canalisation" of water in a wetland can lead to shorter dwell time than assumed and this will be fatal. To eliminate risks of bad purification results the system should be constructed in a robust way to be able to stand strong to changes. The system should preferably consist of several parts which each can be interesting components and at the same time be a "back up" for each other.


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