Searching for renewable energy sources on urban areas
Renewable energy sources, biogas, wood litter, urban areas, UkraineAbstract
The possibilities and capacities of energy production from renewable sources in urban areas
were studied on the example of the city of Kharkiv, Ukraine (population ca. 1.4 mln, occupied 2 area ca. 320 km ). The following alternate renewable sources and ways for energy production
(except solar and wind) have been identified: (1) biogas to be produced at municipal landfills;
(2) biogas to be produced from sewage sludge accumulated at wastewater treatment plants;
(3) wood wastes from urban dwellings' reconstruction and furniture renewal; (4) litter from
tree stands of the city (woody and leaf litter, debris, dead wood, etc.); (5) biomass harvested
while the phytotechnologies are applied for brown field remediation (energy crops, willows
and poplars, etc.). The energy potential of primary and secondary renewable energy sources
has been estimated. Approach to decision-making on optimal allocation of sites for
decentralised energy production on the city's territory and relevant technologies for energy
production are discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Lidiya Svirenko, Yuriy Vergeles, Olga Tugai

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