Studying the properties of constructed wetland sediments for their possible application as fertilizers
Sediments; TOC; Nutrients; Constructed wetlands; Ukraine.Abstract
The processes of sediment formation and their biogeochemical properties were studied in
2005-2007 at the experimental constructed wetland site ("Bioplato") designed for treatment of
domestic effluents in Ukraine, nearby the city of Kharkiv. The constructed wetland consists of
three units: one with vertical filtration applying fine gravel (0.5 m in depth) and coarse sand
(0.3 111) as filtering media, one with horizontal filtration applying middle sand (0,8 m) as a
filtering medium, and one surface flow unit with natural wetland soil applied, The site also
includes a septic tank and a small sludge-drying field. The constructed wetland with a
capacity of 50 1113 of treated domestic wastewater per day was established in 1998 and since
then it has been operated continuously until now. Macrophytes were planted in I 998-200 I,
and recently the reed (Phragmites australis), cattail (Typha latifolia), and a number of sedge
species (Carex Jpp.) dominate over the rest of ca. 30 plant species with average cover of 85-
90%. Treatment efficiency of 90-95% of BOD5 and suspended solids removal, as well as 98-
99% of removal of pathogenic microorganisms allows discharging the treated wastewater into
adjacent artificial lake, Sludge was sampled at each unit followed with standard laboratory
analyses of its main characteristics: total organic carbon (TOC), total nutrients (N, P),
contents of trace elements, abundance of pathogenic microorganisms, and general toxicity.
The results of analyses confirmed that the top layer of sludge from each unit of the assessed
constructed wetland site could be used as a source of fertilizers for grain and leguminous
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Copyright (c) 2007 Yuriy Vergeles, Nataliya Butenko, Andriy Ishchenko, Lidiya Svirenko, Felix Stolberg, William Hogland

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.