Modelling solute transport in shallow groundwater using COMSOL multiphysics



  • Bertil Walden COMSOL, Sweden


In this day and age, pollution of the world's environment is becoming a pressing issue, In
particular, water is developing into a precious commodity in both poor and rich countries.
The management of water and waste is an issue that encompasses many different forms; from
contaminated clouds, to river systems and underground water tables. For example, water
contamination within the densely populated lowlands fringing Kampala (Uganda) threatens
the health and livelihood of uncounted thousands of inhabitants. With no formal infrastructure
of almost any kind, residents of these reclaimed wetlands drink contaminated water from open
springs. Mathematical modelling is an important tool in investigating and quantifying the
issue that may otherwise be unreasonable to do using experiment and other analyses.
COMSOL Multiphysics, due to its versatility and flexibility, is the perfect tool for this type of
modelling. With it, you can couple the transport phenomena, whether it be surface or
subsurface flow, to the diffusion mechanisms that describe the transfer of waste. COMSOL
Multiphysics is also a useful tool for the optimization of water purification units.


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