A multi criteria approach for energy recovery from solid municipal waste



  • Alexander Voronov St. Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Russia
  • Maria Belova St. Petersburg State University for Economics and Finance, Russia




Multi-criterion analysis; Waste management; Energy recovery; !indicators for sustainable development


The paper presented describes an original technique for decision making regarding solid
waste management systems design including the process of choice for its complexity, location
and economic aspects as well as the multi criterion model for energy recovery of waste. The
mathematical model is worked out for the process of decision making upon the system and
process design which makes it to a certain extend a universal solution. The study of the
economic and environmental aspects of the energy recovery of waste is also provided in the
paper. It includes analysis of the investments' effectiveness based on certain indexes. In this
part again the original formulas are used for calculation and providing the data for decision
making upon the expenditures needed.


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