A practical application for monitoring methane in ambient air at waste disposal facillities using a portable open path analyzer



  • Noboru Tanikawa Hokkaido University, Japan
  • Toru Furuichi Hokkaido University, Japan
  • Kazuei Ishii Hokkaido University, Japan
  • Kohji Matsuo Hokkaido University, Japan




Methane; Open path type analyzer; Landfill site; Biogasification; Composting


It is well known that methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas, and one of the main gases emitted
from landfills, CH4 is also emitted from biogasification facilities and composting facilities, A
new method to monitor CH4 in ambient air has been developed using a portable open path
methane analyzer (POMA) that is retailed as an urban gas leak detector. In this study, we have
investigated a practical application of a POMA in the field, and the characteristics of CH4
emissions at landfill sites, biogasification facilities, and a composting facility,
It is clear that this new method is convenient, and can be used to monitor the average
concentration of CH4 in ambient air at a waste disposal facility, such as a landfill site, a
composting facility, or a biogasification facility, The concentration of CH4 in ambient air at
landfill sites, a composting facility, and biogasification facilities were found to be 2-30, 2-13,
and 3-13 ppm, respectively,


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Tanikawa N,, Furuichi T., Ishii K., and Matsuo K., 2004. Development of convenient monitoring method of methane in ambient air at landfill sites using portable open path type analyzer. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Pacific Landfill Symposium, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp, 411-416.

Tanikawa N., Furuichi T., and Ishii K., 2003. Monitoring of methane and carbon dioxide in ambient air at landfill sites, In: Proceedings of the 9th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Sardinia 2003. Sardinia, Italy.


