The testing of model plant Raphanus sativus germination and phytomass production on oil-composts



  • Merrit Noormets Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
  • Karin Kauer Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
  • Tiina Köster Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
  • Mait Kriipsalu Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia ; University of Kalmar, Sweden
  • Aive Jänes Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia
  • Agnes Merivee Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia



Phytoremediation; Oily compost; Radish; Germination; Phytomass production


In industrialized society, large amounts of oily sediments from contaminated sites as well as
oily sludge from industrial processes need to be treated in sustainable way. Nowadays
biological treatment is becoming more important. The purpose of biotreatment is to decrease
the concentration of organic pollutants (e.g. oil) in soil or compost by mineralizing hazardous
chemicals into harmless compounds such as carbon dioxide or some other gas or inorganic
substance, water, and cell material. Whereas hydrocarbons are generally well degradable,
some organic compounds (e.g. PAH) are less degradable; and some (heavy metals) can not be
degraded. However, resistant compounds can be transformed through sorption, methylation,
and complexation, and change in valence state, which affect mobility and bioavailability. The
use of oil-compost depends on legislative limits, and response of vegetation. Oil-content may
have a negative effect on plant root system even in low concentrations. Heavy metals may
inhibit the growth, but in the other hand, the plants are also known in uptaking heavy metals
and other contaminants, known as phytoremediation. This may create a situation, where
vegetation cover acts as additional treatment system for matured oil-composts. The objective
of this study was to examine the effect of hydrocarbon residues in different substances
(compost and soil mixtures) on soil model plants (Raphanus sativus) germination and
phytomass production. The germination study demonstrated that the plants germination and
biomass production was highly dependent on compost decomposition degree, nutrient content
and biological properties of soil. On less matured compost, the germination and growth was
suppressed. The phytomass production experiment showed that plants in oil compost had
decreased height, taproot mass and above ground phytomass. The application of complex
mineral fertilizers increased the volume of abovementioned parameters.


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