Lepidium sativum L. as test-organism for assessment of environmental pollution



  • Danute Marciulioniene Institute of Botany, Lithuania
  • Danguole Montvydiene Institute of Botany, Lithuania
  • Vilmante Karlaviciene Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania ; University of Kalmar, Sweden
  • William Hogland University of Kalmar, Sweden




Lepidium sativum L; Toxicity; Environmental pollution; Surface water; Storm water; Landfill leachate; Bottom sediments, Environmental pollution assessment


Polluting substances when released into environment become one of the main factors of
environmental pollution since they cause changes to the chemical composition of water,
bottom sediments and soil; they also disturb the biological balance and self-cleaning
processes of the ecosystem that may lead to unpredictable alterations within the ecosystem.
Together with the chemical and physical techniques the methods of bioindication and
biotesting are employed in the current research on environmental pollution and its impact on
the ecological integrity of ecosystems,
The aim of this paper was to determine the sensitivity of a test-organism L sativum to the
toxic impact of different types of samples (liquid or solid: surface water, industrial
wastewater, industrial storm water, landfill leachate, lake bottom sediments and sludge from
industrial storm water sedimentation tank) from urban environment and chemical substances
and to demonstrate the possibilities of application of this plant in both the toxicological
investigation and environmental pollution assessment.
The results of conducted investigation have proved that L. sativum is a sufficiently universal,
cheap and sensitive biotest for determination of toxicity of different types of samples (storm
water, bottom sediments, soil, wastewater from industrial sites, landfill leachate) and included
chemical substances. Therefore, it can be successfully applied in the environmental pollution




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