Water reclamation & phyto -technologies



  • Maurizio Giannotti International consultant, Italy




In this paper conventional and innovative phyto-technologies, applied on different kinds of
polluted waters to obtain their safe reuse, are showed. Today, the last frontier of
environmental recovery in the world is: Water Reclamation. Most important targets of water
reclamation are: recover and reuse wastewaters in safety, freshwater aquifer recharge, public
health protection, and new economic viable source. There are a lot of technologies to treat
different kinds of wastewaters (urban, industrial, zootechnical, etc), but conventional
technologies able to treat, recover and reuse wastewaters in the same time, are very few and so
expensive that the cost of recovered water is no sustainable by public administrations; overall
in the developing countries in Africa, Asia, South and Centre America (F AO-WHO).
In the latest years, phyto-technologies proved their efficiency in the wastewater reclamation
and their cheap and easy way to be built and maintained. The phyto-technologies experiences
shown in this paper are applied on polluted waters from industries and agroindustries, pig
feedlot, towns, and polluted water of rivers and/or lakes. The paper is completed with
analytical data and results; compared with national and/or international (F AO-WHO) law
limits for reclaimed waters; and building and maintenance costs, compared with conventional
activated sludge systems.
We speak about projects financed by public administrations or international organizations
(F AO-European Union) and realized to reclaim and reuse treated wastewaters using
conventional and/or advanced phytoremediation technologies. All this has opened a new
cheap and easy way, to reuse in safety treated waters, to protect environment, and to control
fresh water pollution.


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