Bioremediation of AOX from pulp and paper industry wastewater and AOX contaminated soils



  • N. S. Deshmukh Agharkar Research Institute, India
  • K. L. Lapsiya Agharkar Research Institute, India
  • D. V. Savant Agharkar Research Institute, India
  • A. M. Mujumdar Agharkar Research Institute, India
  • D.R. Ranade Agharkar Research Institute, India



AOX degradation; Pulp and paper; 2,4 DCP degradation; Bioremediation


Bleaching of paper pulp with chlorine/ chlorine derivatives leads to formation of several
organochlorine compounds. These compounds are collectively termed as "Adsorbable Organic
Halides" (AOX). Toxic effects of AOX are well documented. Analysis of various wastewaters,
soils irrigated with wastewater and sludge show significant levels of AOX. This is a potential
threat to the environment. Physical and chemical methods of AOX removal are not economical.
Hence, bioremediation technology needs to be developed for effective, ecofriendly and
economical management of AOX containing waste. With this aim, anaerobic biofilm reactors
(7.2L) were developed in our laboratory. Anaerobic cultures degrading chlorophenols were
enriched and a consortium of such enrichments was used as the inoculum for the reactors. The
reactors were fed with nutrient medium and run at 20 days HRT and at 30 °c. Degradation of 2,4
dichlorophenol (2,4 DCP) was studied at 100 ppm, 300 ppm and 600 ppm and 96.7, 74.5 and
56.8 % dechlorination was observed, respectively. Anaerobic degradation at varying
concentration of AOX from bleach composite wastewater (BCWW) was studied. Reactors fed
with 12.5, 25, 50 and 75 % BCWW v/v showed 62.9, 56.5, 55.9 and 27.1% AOX degradation,
respectively. The results suggest feasibility of treating the BCWW stream separately in anaerobic
reactor and then mixing the effluent with composite wastewater. The treatment will ensure
prevention of AOX pollution. Fish toxicity bioassays are being carried out to study safe disposal
of treated wastewater in natural water bodies. Aerobic cultures degrading different chlorophenols
were isolated. Using a consortium of these cultures bioremediation studies on AOX contaminated
soils have been initiated.


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