Phytoremediation of landfill leachate in constructed wetland



  • Jaak Truu University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Jaanis Juhanson University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Mait Kriipsalu Estonian Agricultural University, Estonia
  • Marit Seene Estonian Agricultural University, Estonia



Landfill leachate; Microbial community; Phytoremediation


The integrated remediation plan of the Laguja landfill, Estonia, includes creation of a
constructed wetland for treatment of landfill leachate. A mesocosm experiment was
conducted in order to estimate the impact of different plant species on purification efficiency
of wetland. The quality of water in mesocosms was monitored during vegetation period. All
plant treatments enhanced reduction of organic matter (BOD: 87-96%, COD: ca 30%, TOC:
ca 50%) as well as ammonia and total nitrogen in water compared to unplanted control.
Presence of plants enhanced biodegradative bacterial abundance and activity as well as
metabolic diversity of microbial community in water. Water samples from all plant treatments
were characterized by distinct microbial communities as revealed by molecular fingerprinting
techniques. Most different from the rest of microbial communities were water samples from
mesocosm with plants on floating mats. Our results show that in free-water constructed
wetlands with vegetation the purification efficiency is not dependent on plant species, while
structure of water microbial community differs due to plant species.


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