Hydrological aspects of an industrial landfill



  • Pille Kängsepp University of Kalmar, Sweden ; University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Peter Dahlblom Kristianstad University, Sweden




Leachate; Water balance; Net precipitation; HELP model; Landfill; Industrial waste


A water balance for a landfill in the South-West of Sweden has been performed. The water
balance is based on measured values of leachate and calculated values of potential
evaporation using Penman's equation. The calculations include a period of 6 years (1995-
200 I). During this period, the yearly precipitation was 6 I 0-1180 mm in the Halmstad area. It
was concluded that the total storage of leachate in the landfill and in the ponds increased with
time. If increasing tendency will proceed then the amount of leachate generated might be
higher during the next years and similar to results found in the literature. There is a need for
the more physical based model, the Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance (HELP)
model, for calculation in order to take into account the top cover soils and vegetation


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