Heavy metal removal from stormwater runoff by sorption



  • Hulya Genr-Fuhrman Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Peter S. Mikkelsen Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Anna Ledin Technical University of Denmark, Denmark




Heavy metal; Sorption; Filtration; Stormwater runoff; Multiple sorbents


In this study, several sorbents (i.e. alumina, activated bauxsol coated sand (ABCS), bark,
bauxsol coated sand (BCS), fly ash (FA), granulated activated carbon (GAC), iron oxide
coated sand (IOCS), natural zeolite (NZ), sand, and spine!) are investigated with the longterm goal of developing a feasible technology for heavy metal removal during secondary
treatment of storm water. The sorbents are tested in batch tests for their As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and
Zn removal efficiency from synthetic stormwater samples, where all of these metals coexisted at a starting pH of 6.5. It is found that each sorbent has different affinity to the heavy
metals, with heavy metal cations (i.e. Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn) removed more effectively than
heavy metal anions (i.e. As and Cr) by all sorbents except IOCS, which has a high affinity
towards As. The results further indicated that alumina and BCS outperform the other sorbents,
possibly due to high surface area of alumina and the favourable sorption sites of BCS;
whereas NZ, sand and bark were the least efficient. On the other hand, although FA
effectively retained Cd, Ni and Zn, the leaching of As, Cr, and Cu is a concern.


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