Biowaste recycling technologies in Latvia



  • Kristina Mezapuke Waste Management Association of Latvia, Latvia
  • Rute Bendere Waste Management Association of Latvia, Latvia
  • Dz. Zarina University of Latvia, Latvia
  • L. Dubova University of Latvia, Latvia



Municipal and industrial waste; Composting technologies; Microorganisms


Protection of environment is a worldwide problem. Generation of organic waste is increasing
and strategies for its environmentally sound use must be developed and optimised.
Accumulation of great quantities of organic wastes leads to the serious environmental
problems: polluted water, contaminated soils, polluted air and solid wastes. Waste water
treatment plants produce in large quantities sewage sludge. Among the different types of
municipal organic wastes sewage sludge is the main product.
Waste Management plan for Latvia sets that disposed biodegradable waste amount till 2010
must not exceed 75 % from the biodegradable waste amount disposed in 1995. Proposal for
the Strategy on biodegradable waste management were elaborated by Waste Management
Association of Latvia (WMAL), and in collaboration with Institute of Microbiology and
Biotechnology, University of Latvia an approbation of organic municipal waste composting
technologies is performed in the frames of LIFE - ENVIRONMENT program project in Riga


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"Priekslikumi strategijai par biologiski noardamo atkritumu apsaimniekosanu atbilstosi Eiropas Padomes direkfivas 1999/31 /EC par atkritumu apglabasanu un Ministru kabineta 2002, gada 3. janvara noteikumu Nr. 15 prasibam" (,,Proposals for the Strategy on Biodegradable Waste Management in accordance with the Requirements of Europe Council Directive 1999/31/EC on Waste Disposal and Requirements of Regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers Nr, 15 (03.01.2002)"), pp. 14-2 0 (in Latvian).

Statistics Norway, Household waste, 2002,

Indicator Fact Sheet Signals 200 I, European Environmental Agency,

Waste management plan for Latvia 2003-20 10,

Viesturs, U,, Zarii;ia, Dz. , Strikauska, S, , Dubova, L, Berzii;is, A. , 2004, Solid Staten Fermentation Systems for Bioremediation and Biodegradation, LLtU Raksti, 12 (307), 1-8,

Dubova, L, Zarina, Dz. , 2 004, , Application of Toxkit Microbiotests for Toxicity Assessment in Soil and Compost, Environmental Toxicology, Australia 19, 274-279


