Environmental "green" business-incubator as a tool of eco-technologies promotion



  • Natalya Telyura Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine


In Ukraine, economic transformation is nowadays associated with strong depletion of natural
resources, degradation of natural and human environment, poor energy efficiency,
pauperization of majority of the population, and, among others, high rate of unemployment
(25% in 2002), especially among educated youth (40-50%), Governmental support for solving
these problems is insufficient, and "grass-root" public and business initiatives are necessary to
make changes towards sustainability.
The paper presents one of the possible solutions for the problems of environmental
degradation, high unemployment and distributive injustice - integration of eco-technology
approaches and entrepreneur incentives via encouraging unemployed college or university
degree holders to start their own "businesses for sustainable development".
Highlight is on the development of list on perspective types of environmental protection
activities for small and medium business organization. At the same time such research
activities will assist in promotion of eco-technologies on the markets through creation of
"green" services and production of "green" goods, such as waste water treatment using
wetland technology; domestic wastes recycling, clean technologies, alternative energy
sources, sustainable building and farming, green rural tourism, landscape design, etc.


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