The role of environmental risk assessment in judgment of the eco-technologies (on the example of waste water treatment)



  • Iryna Malysheva Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine


The objects of urban infrastructure (such as waste water treatment constructions) are
characterized by high level of environmental dangerous. So there is a necessity to find out
new environmental safety and cost-effective technologies for environmental friendly
exploitation of the urban engineering systems.
The paper presents a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the
traditional and new technologies of the waste water treatment basing on the environmental
risk assessment results. Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) is one of the tools of
environmental safety management which includes overall process of risk analysis and risk
evaluation aimed on identification, prediction and management of the environmental risks.
The municipal waste water treatment plant and pilot constructed wetland is used as samples
for analysis.
Highlight is on the specific features of WWT-technologies using and describes potential
environmental risks that can arise during their exploitation and possible ways and approaches
to manage these risks. The aim of the paper is to introduce environmental risk assessment
procedure as an important element of the statement of the eco-technologies using in waste
water treatment field.


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