Some aspects of restoration of degradated sewage receivers



  • Hubert Komorowski Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland
  • Agnieszka Karczmarczyk Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland
  • Jozef Mosiej Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland



Bottom sediments; Reclamation; Equilibrium phosphate concentration


Bottom sediments are naturally connected with water body of the river and it is essential in
pollutant balance, Natural phosphorus cycle in water environment is sedimentation cycle,
Once introduced to water ecosystem can be removed by different chemical, biological and
physical processes and loses its environmental mobility as a sediment component,
In studied case the contaminants load was radically reduced by construction of wastewater
treatment plant in city of Lodz, But the water quality improvement was not commensurate to
this reduction, Such situation could be the result of increased phosphorus release from
sediments deposed in the course of decades in river bed, On the distance the phosphate
concentration increases up to 25 km downstream the WWfP outlet and it can not be
explained by other pollution sources. The phosphorus content in the sediment is as high as 27 1 mg kg- dw, The equilibrium phosphate concentration (EPCo) experiment showed that it
could be released to water body, The preliminary results showed that EPCo value exceed in 3 some points limit polish water quality norm and amount to 1.2 mg PO4 dm- in oxic condition,


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