Veronica becabonga L. as a hyperaccumulatorplant for cadmium



  • Naser Hosseini Arak University, Iran
  • Majid Mahdiyeh Arak University, Iran
  • Hossein Salehi Arak University, Iran



Cadmium; Hyperaccumulator; Metal accumulator; Metal uptake; Veronica becabonga L.; Phytoremediation


Heavy metal pollution of water is a major environmental problem facing the modem world.
The major objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of water-speedwell plant,
Veronica becabonga L. to uptake and accumulate heavy metal cadmium under greenhouse
conditions, Veronica becabonga L., were cultured in 3% Hoagland's nutrient medium, which
was supplemented with 0, 25, 50,100, 200, 300 mg/I of Cd(NO3)2 4H2O over one week
treatment period. Plants were harvested at the end of this period and heavy metals from the
entire shoot tissue was extracted using the closed Teflon vessel method and metal content in
the extract was estimated using a Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results
showed that the uptake and accumulation of Cd in V becabonga L. showed significant
increase when metal concentration was increased. The highest amount of Cd accumulation
was detected at 100mg/I Cd(NO3)24H2O in the culture solution that was 20660.3 mg/kg DW
of shoots. The linear pattern of uptake suggest the involvement of both active and passive
transport mechanisms for Cd uptake, Finally, since the high concentrations cadmium
accumulation in shoots of plants has far exceeded 0.01% DW V becabonga L. is a
hyperaccumulator plant for this metal and has potential for phytoremediation of water
contaminated with cadmium,


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