Spatial modelling of renewable energy usage on polluted areas of Ukraine



  • Sergiy Velychko Kharkiv Karazin National University, Ukraine


The paper represents the methodic and results of Ukraine territory assessment for renewable
energies development accounting natural resources and environmental situation
preconditions, There is also described author's idea of usage of renewable energy sources in
territories with difficult environmental situations where significant and poorly compensated
changes of landscapes, fast increase of threat of exhaustion or losses of natural resources,
unique natural objects, worsening of residing conditions of population are typical. In result of
reduction or termination of impact the normalization of environmental conditions and
regeneration of landscapes takes place. In Ukraine territory in the majority of cases (except
Chernobyl zone) the difficult environmental situations inherent to the territories with high
concentration of industrial activity and neighbour regions. On the other hand, main features of
environmental impact of renewable power engineering are absence of chemical pollution of
atmospheric air, natural waters, soils; serious physical impact, significant land demand of
renewable energy sources; absence of wastes; large territorial and time non-uniformity of
operation that makes environmental impact more discrete; low specific density of energy.
Therefore, in a case of allocation of renewable energy installations in territories with difficult
environmental situations, we obtain a territory characterized by the reduction of chemical
pollution; reduction of wastes due to ecosystems self-regeneration; replacement of continual
environmental impacts by discrete ones; decrease of specific density of energy production in
the area; complex usage of land; use of the computer control systems, reduction of influence
on human health.


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