Impact of phytoremediation and bioaugmentation on microbial community in oil shale chemical industry solid waste



  • Jaak Truu University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Jaanis Juhanson University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Eeva Heinaru University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Eve Vedler University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Merike Merimaa University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Ain Heinaru University of Tartu, Estonia



Bioaugmentation; Oil shale chemical industry; Phytoremediation; Microbial community


Field and laboratory experiments were carried out in order to estimate the suitability of
phytoremediation and bioaugmentation for oil shale chemical industry solid waste (semicoke) dump area remediation as well as influence of plants and laboratory selected
degradative bacterial strains on the microbial communities in semi-coke, Field test plots (each
50 m2
) were established at semi-coke depository in July 200 I and samples for microbiological
and chemical analysis were collected in October 2002 and 2003, Microbial communities in
semi-coke were · analysed using both culture-based and molecular methods, Changes in
microbial community structure and activity occurred in semi-coke as a result of
phytoremediation and bioaugmentation, Phytoremediation increased the number of oildegrading bacteria and diversity of microbial community in semi-coke as well as microbial
biomass. A comparison of 16S rRNA gene-based DGGE fingerprints of semi-coke samples
using multivariate analysis showed variation between the bacterial community profiles from
different treatments. Degradation rates of pollutants did not differ significantly between plots
with vegetation except for sod, showing negligible effect of soil amendment typeon
biodegradation activity. Our results indicate that increased biodegradation activity was due to
proliferation of specific microbial groups, changes in taxonomic and metabolic diversity of
bacterial community and shifts in the structure of catabolic genes, Based on our findings we
conclude that phytoremediation and bioaugmentation could be considered as an alternative
management option for remediation of oil shale solid waste.


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