Sewage sludge treatment for fertilizer production using biotechnologies: perspectives for the Bezludivka wastewater treatment plant, Kharkiv



  • Lidija Svirenko Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine
  • Natasha Suchkova Kharkiv Wastewater Management Company, Ukraine



Agricultural properties; Biomass; Contamination; Dewatering; Environmental management; Fertilizer; Melioration; Metal up-taking; Phytoremediation; Salix; Sewage sludge; Willow


Complex "Dikanivka" & "Bezludivka" wastewater treatment plant (WWTP, Kharkiv) is one
of the biggest in Ukraine. Mixture of industrial and domestic wastewater is treated on the
station. Great volume of sewage sludge has been produced and accumulated for forty years of
the plant operation, Environment of the region has been affected rather seriously in result of
out-of-date sludge dewatering system exploitation and heaps of dewatered sludge on the
territory of the plant Environment stabilization in the area of sludge treatment is an urgent
problem of the region, Phytoremediation as a promising natural technology for the purpose is
discussed in the article.
Sewage sludge is rich in organic matter and nutrient elements (nitrogen and phosphates)
therefore it could be applied for soil fertilization. On the other hand, due to high heavy metals
(Cd, Ni, Cu, Cr) concentration in sludge, contamination with enteric parasites, pH less than
5,5 there is restriction for sludge application in agricultural production,
Willow (Salix spp,) is discussed as a plant for phytoremediation of the territory and for
substratum properties melioration because of its availability to accumulate heavy metals,
regulate concentration of nutrients, high biomass production and high environmental
Experiment in situ has to be carried for the plant-remediater selection and for investigation of
sludge agricultural properties dynamic.


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