Monitoring of ecosystems in an oil-extracting area



  • Ljudmila Kapelkina Scientific Research Center of Ecological Safety RAS, Russia
  • Ljubov Malyshkina Scientific Research Center of Ecological Safety RAS, Russia
  • Ljudmila Bakina Scientific Research Center of Ecological Safety RAS, Russia
  • Alexander Korolev State Scientific Institute of River and Lake Fish Industry, Russia
  • Tatjana Koroleva Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Russia
  • Ljudmila Usova State Hydrological Institute, Russia
  • Sergei Bakkal Zoological Institute, Russia



Oil extraction; West Siberia; Monitoring; Ecosystems


Complex monitoring has been carried out by five institutes of St.Petersburg Scientific Center
in on of the oil-fields, located in boggy landscape in the Western Siberia. The aim of
investigations is to estimate the conditions of land and water ecosystems around drilling wells
and in oil-extraction zone. Field work was performed in the surroundings of boring grounds at
different technological stages: 1) sand road pads construction, 2) drilling of wells, 3) wells
under exploitation (oil extraction stage). During the field work the laboratory investigations
and chemical analyses of soil samples have been made. The state of soil and vegetation cover,
soil microbial community, entomofauna, hydrobionts, ground vertebrates and birds has been
studied. Soil microorganisms, plants, animals, hydrobionts have been used as bioindicators.
Local changes of the components of environment caused by natural and technogenic factors
were found. Typical changes in ecosystems caused by impact of different technogenic
disturbances (oil spills, salt waters, technical oils, drilling muds, flooding by ground waters)
were determined. The results of our investigations showed that the level of changes of
ecosystems caused by technogenic impact was determined by three factors: the direction and
intensity of impact, its duration and ecological resistance of ecosystem on a whole. Along
with uniformity of technogenic impact in the different types of ecosystems, different
deviations in their condition have been observed. In spite of rather pronounced deviations in
the condition of different components of environment the determined changes in the most
cases have the reversible character.


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