Complex monitoring as a base of environmental policy formation at urban territories



  • Dmytro Dyadin Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Ukraine



Urban areas; Geochemical and landscape survey; River ecosystems; Complex monitoring


Rivers and their floodplains within urban territories are considered as principal objects of
complex monitoring for cities with quite developed industry and transport as the city of
Kharkiv. Flowing across both industrial and residential areas, rivers take, transport and
accumulate all contaminants from surface runoff, leachate of solid wastes disposals, industrial
water discharge.
In 1991 Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy (NAMEK) together with Kharkiv
Geological Survey carried out landscape survey and geochemical analysis of floodplains and
river bed areas of main rivers within the city - Udy, Lopan and Kharkiv. Soils, bottom
sediments and plants were sampled and analysed. Next stages of monitoring carried out by
staff and students of NAMEK have shown considerable changes in spatial allocation of
pollution sources at surveyed landscapes and quality changes of contaminants. Uncontrolled
disposal of solid wastes at river banks has increased considerably during last years and the
fact gives principle concern to residential and agricultural areas.
Obtained data allow making reasonable choice of runoff and wastewater treatment
technologies especially phytotechnologies as innovative, low-cost and environmentally
friendly treatment methods. Monitoring results should be a basement for effective industrial
and municipal waste management and as a whole for forming of environmental policy at
urbanized areas.


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