Kinetics of phenol degradation by selected bacterial strains with different genetic properties



  • Signe Viggor University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Eeva Heinaru University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Jaak Truu University of Tartu, Estonia
  • Ain Heinaru University of Tartu, Estonia



Phenol; Biodegradation; Pseudomonads; Growth kinetics; Phenol hydroxylase


The major environmental problem in the northeastern Estonia is the semi-coke mounds in oilshale industry areas, Alternatives to the chemical methods (sorption, ozonation) for removing
xenobiotic compounds from leachate are biological methods, like bioaugmentation, where the
properly selected microorganisms are used. Determination of the kinetic constants (maximum
specific growth rates (µmax), lag times (A.), half saturation constants (Kso for oxygenating
activity and Ksa for growth) and inhibition constants (Ki)) will give us information about the
rate of pollutant degradation and is the basis for the selection of the most effective bacteria for
bioaugmentation. In phenol degradation the initial and rate-limiting enzyme is phenol
hydroxylase, encoded by different genes, The aim of this work was to carry out a kinetic
study of the aerobic degradation of phenol using single strains (Pseudomonas mendocina
PC 1, P. fluorescens PC 18, PC20 and PC24) isolated from river water continuously polluted
with phenolic compounds, The strains PC 1 and PC 18 contain genes for multicomponent
phenol hydroxylase, whereas single-component phenol hydroxylase (pheBA operon)
characterizes the strains PC20 and PC24, The phenol-oxygenating activity (Kso) was obtained
from substrate-dependent oxygen uptake data (oxygen concentrations were measured with a
Clark-type oxygen electrode) using Michaelis-Mentens model. Specific growth rates µ and
lag times). were calculated from absorbance growth curves on phenol concentrations 0,2-10.6
mM and the growth kinetic constants (µmax, Ksa, Ki) were estimated using Haldanes, Edwards
and Aiba-Edwards model. The Kso values for phenol were one order of magnitude lower in
strains PC 1 and PC 18 than in strains PC20 and PC24.


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