Possibilities of applying biosorption systems for ballast water treatment



  • Viktoras Racys Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
  • Irmantas Valunas Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
  • Inga Urniezaite Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania




Biosorption application; Petroleum hydrocarbons treatment; Ballast and bilge waste water treatment; Wastewater treatment efficiency


This article represents applying of biosorption process for the treatment of wastewater,
contaminated with light oil products, SC "Klaipedos nafta", which works in the field of
transshipment of oil and its products in Lithuania, has installed biosorbers for the treatment
of ballast and bilge water from the vessels, Biosorption process is sustained by integrated
running of the Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) and the active branches of particular
microorganisms, This wastewater treatment method is preeminent for treatment of this kind
of wastewater, comparing with the treatment efficiency of other methods, Wastewater is
pumped into biosorbers after flotation and remaining concentration of Total Petroleum
Hydrocarbons (TPH) varies about 2 mg/L At the very beginning of the biosorbers operation
wastewater treatment efficiency of 0.2 mg/I was reached, For the process control main
parameters are being analyzed: sorption capacity of the activated carbon, biomass amount
and enzymatic activity of the microorganisms. Interdependence of the values of these
parameters and treatment efficiency according to TPH is being established, Obtained results
support the theory of biosorption process and the process workability for the treatment of
wastewater, polluted with light oil products, In this article there are given principle
technological solutions and parameters of the biosorbers in SC "Klaipedos nafta",


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