Upgrading of reverse osmosis plant at Sysav plant for treatment of oil polluted water in Malmö



  • Hartmut Eipper Pall GmbH, Germany
  • Boris Puldrogac SYSAV, Sweden
  • Bengt Larsen Etech AS, Norway
  • Lars Skoogh Etech AS, Norway


Pall GmbH has developed the DT-module for treatment of leachate from landfills with
reverse osmosis (RO). The module shows good treatment efficiency that in many cases is
99% or more and high recovery rate up to 85% and high accessibility.
The paper presents a plant that is configured by spiral membrane that has been replaced with
DT-modules. The SYSAV plant in Malmo that receives oil polluted water exceeded the
environmental limits of 500 mg/I for COD at several times a year. There has also been a lack
of capacity and just change of spiral membrane should not have been enough.
Two test were made with the DT-module was the first which is a one step process where the
oily water is pumped through the membrane once and got very fine values on the permeate.
At the second test the where put an extra step in order to make it possible to run the retentate a
second time. In this case the recovery rate increased to over 90% and also this time under
environmental limits for the discharge. SYSA V is now leasing the equipment in order to find
out how the plant works over time. Data and experiences will be presented in the paper.
The presentation will include configuration, treatment rate, accessibility, washing,
atomization rate, chemical dozing, energy consumption, further development etc.


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