Towards a closed steel eco-cycle - conjoint analysis as a decision tool



  • Stina Alriksson University of Kalmar, Sweden
  • Tomas Öberg University of Kalmar, Sweden



Steel ecocycle; Conjoint analysis; Experimental design; Environment values


The Swedish steel industry has over the past 20 years made substantial efforts to promote energy
efficiency and environment protection. However, the dominant part of these investments has been
directed to the individual production sites, most of which today have 'solved' their own acute
environmental problems. The focus has therefore switched to the properties and performance of
the steel products where the evaluation of environmental performance is a complex task that
often requires simultaneous consideration of many different attributes.
Conjoint analysis is commonly used in marketing research, to evaluate how consumers appreciate
specific attributes in products. It has also been widely used in health care, traffic planning and
quality management. Conjoint analysis has also been applied to environmental issues such as
energy, recreation, environmental valuation, ecosystem management, consumer preferences to
products, public preferences to industrial projects, waste management, and environmental policy
development. This previous research has shown that the method is well suited for evaluating
environmental issues.
Here we briefly present the methodology and review some papers on environmental applications.
It is our intention to use this approach as a tool to integrate environmental considerations into
both process and product development within the steel industry.


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