Waste to energy in Danmark



  • Soren Dalager Rambol, Danmark


Denmark is the leading country in Europe in recycling and incineration of waste, Avoiding
disposing of waste to landfills has a priority, In Danmark, total amount of 12 700 000 t of waste
was produced in 2003. This corresponds to 2350 kg per person. About 66% of it is recycled, 26%
incinerated, and 8% disposed ofto landfills. There are 29 incinerator plants in operation. In 24 of
them, combined heat and power is produced, and in five smallest plants, only heat is produced.
All the plants comply with the EU's incineration directive (2000/76), Denmark has highest
incineration rate (kg/cap/year) in Europe. In 2003, about 1.47-106 MWh electricity was generated,
and 6.36· l 06 MWh heat produced. This corresponds to the need of 430 000 and 360 000
households, respectively. The net thermal efficiency was 83%. About 98% of all bottom ash was
Incineration practice in Denmark is considered very successful. Apart from historical reasons
( over JOO yeas of competence), coherent energy and environmental policy exists. All electricity
and practically all of the heat generated can be sold. Extended district heating schemes are
available in Danmark. Municipalities are key actors in waste management and incineration. Nonprofit municipal companies can offer cheap treatment of waste, and run the risk of investments.
The Ramb0ll Group ranks among Top 10 consultancies in Europe and Top 25 globally, The
ranking is primarily maintained by a strong market position in Danmark. With more than 70
offices covering the Nordic region, Ramb01l Group's strategic focus is to be a local partner for
customers. In waste-to-energy, Ramb0ll Group is among four leading consultants in the world. It
has a long track record of successful planning and completed waste-to-energy projects.


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