Environmental innovative activities in Saint - Petersburg state technical university (SPbSTU))



  • A. Ya. Bashkarev Linnéuniversitetet
  • V. A. Popova Linnéuniversitetet
  • V. Yu. Rud Linnéuniversitetet




Environmental, Innovations , SPbSTU, Industrial, Science - technology park.


In this article the authors tell about how in present economic conditions goes innovation process in the SPbSTU. The SPbSTU specifity is those, that almost each the innovation project can be applied to the area of environmental ( approximately 60 % from all total number). Therefore in the review there is the speech about the general concept of the innovation SPbSTU activity and about the link connection innovation politics of SPbSTU with common the St-Petersburg city Administration innovation politic. Particular examples of innovation activity of Russian State, City Administration structures and the SPbSTU structures. The authors shown examples of their interaction.


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