Implementation of environmental technology for sustainable development of rural areas in Poland



  • Jozef Mosiej Linnéuniversitetet



Environmental technology, rural area, education, sustainable development, transfer of knowledge.


In Poland agriculture use 60% of the land area. There are about 2.5 millions farms and average each of them cover 7 hectare. The farming and weak solutions of sanitary problems contribute substantially to the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea ecosystem, through the river discharge and transport of nutrients. New knowledge should be transferred to the local authorities and organisations, and in the final end, to the users of land and farmers. It seems important to work for the understanding of how the local environment can improved, which in turn can cause substantial improvement of nutrient losses from land and from the discharge of sewage in small villages. Different examples of extension ideas of Agenda 21 from Poland and co-operation between Swedish and Polish Universities in implementation ideas of sustainable development which will be presented, shown many possibilities for imitate by others in the Baltic region.


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