About improvement of environmental protection measures system in landfills of Russia with taking into account the possibility of biogas utilization



  • Alexey Cheremisin Linnéuniversitetet
  • Michail Fiodorov Linnéuniversitetet




Biogas, collection, improvement, insulation, landfill, leachate, treatment, waste.


Continual growth of waste accumulation volumes, in particular, of solid domestic waste (SDW), causes a great many of environmental and economical problems such as, environmental (soil, groundwater and air) pollution, alienation of lands, alteration of landscape, growing expenses for construction of new waste processing plants and reconstruction of existing ones, etc. These are the actual problems in the cities and settlements of Russia and many other countries. The most part of SOW generated in Russia (97 %) is removed to the dumps and landfills and only 3 % is treated in waste processing plants. So, main attention should be concentrated on all the reduction of waste amount removed to the landfills which may be reached by means of development of environmental friendly wasteless or little waste technologies, in particular recycling systems introduction (organization of separate waste collection in situ, subsequent utilization of each useful SDW morphological components) and new waste processing plants construction. It should also take care of unauthorized dumps elimination, improving environmental conditions around the landfills, and engineering infrastructure safety provision. Besides, SDW consisting of organic materials for 50-80% may be considered as important additional source of energy. In particular, as to landfills, it is the power ofbiogas, which may be used for heating, electricity generation and several another purposes. The main expenses for biogas utilization are to extract, dry up and transport.


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