Wpf - wisser: flotation



  • Per Kock Linnéuniversitetet
  • Viljo Järvenpä Linnéuniversitetet
  • Wiser Oy Linnéuniversitetet




The word flotation is generally understood to mean something that is floating. It is used even in frothing. This presentation focuses on flotation where only microbubbles formed from pressurised dissolved gas raise the solid matter in a liquid to the surface of the liquid in a flotation basin, and the liquid is thereby purified. Flotation is becoming an economical factor in purifying liquids and, above all, waters in internal circulation loops of industrial plants as well as in municipal effluent treatment. The theoretical background of flotation and its applications in WISER FLOTATION will be described in the following. Flotation will also be compared with water purification by sedimentation. Finally, two applications will be described in general outline.


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