Modern utilisation of organic waste



  • Dr. Violeta Jvinskiene Linnéuniversitetet



Organic waste. food waste, earthworms, fly larves, composting, municipal rules


A lot of waste from agriculture, industry, household and food waste is accumulated every year in Lithuania. Waste is polluting environment very intensively. From sanitarian point of view there can appear dangerous sources for people and other biological objects. The main method for utilisation of waste still remains landfilling. So as a huge problem appears operation of landfills, cumulation of leachate and biogas. The last years Vilnius city municipality directly changed the waste managing strategy. As it was estimated, food waste forms about 46,6 -56,6 % from total household waste amount. It was decided to turn this source from landfill to composting facilities, organise separate food waste collection from companies and habitants. The system was iniciated in 1997, but it develops very slowly. A private company "Chitinas" has started its work independently in neighbouring Vilnius city district. Two main unordinal methods were used for destruction of organic waste, both very usual in nature, but still rarely used in practice by farmers. Such methods are called in Lithuania "nontraditional farming". We estimate these methods as modem and perspective for organic waste destruction in big cities. With their help we can get ecologically safe, good natural fertilizers, without seeds and infections, having less nitrates and fosphates. Besides, we get an alternative product - material called "chitin", which could be chemically purified and has a perfect future in chemistry and medicine.


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