Baling storage method: past, present and Swedish experience



  • William Hogland Linnéuniversitetet
  • Marcia Marques Linnéuniversitetet
  • Velma Grover Linnéuniversitetet



Baling is a process through which compaction (saving of space) is achieved for ease of handling, for better and optimum transportation (because of compaction, more stuff can be loaded). Baling has been practiced for a long time by the farmers - farmers used the baling process for managing hay and cotton. When used in case of lint, the bale meant 392 pounds of lint. Baling of yarn was of three types:
• Soft bales - the yarn was packed in bags for transport to small distances.
• Pressed bales - in this yarn is subject to moderate pressure for transport to considerable distances for domestic trade.
• Bundling and baling - the yarn is made into bundles and pressed into bales for export reason

Besides, the farmers - recycling industry has used baling since a long time. Some of the ways in which recycling industry have used are:
• Iron (ferrous metal) - During the baling process ferrous metals are separated with the help of rotary drum magnet which separates out the metal from the other waste.
• Paper - Some baling plants separate out the paper - the paper from the waste stream and other separated out waste is pressed into bales and sold to the paper mills for recycling. This has been carried out in India for a long time - when instead of mechanical balers, the papers were pressed into bales manually and sold to paper mills for recycling or was recycled at small scale plants at home.


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