Sewage sludge utilization for the municipality of Gdansk



  • Ewa Sienkiewics Linnéuniversitetet
  • Piotr Kowalik Linnéuniversitetet
  • Stanislav Drzewinski Linnéuniversitetet
  • Klemens Herman Linnéuniversitetet



sewage sludge, utilization, sustainable development, incineration, application to land


In the municipal wastewater treatment plant in Gdansk a biological treatment technology allowing removing of nutrients was launched recently. This will result in increasing of the volume of sludge from 27.3 t d.m./d now to about 45 t d.m./d in the near future. The analysis of various possibilities of sludge utilization was made. It was concluded that incineration of the sludge seems to be the most promising method, while the possibilities of application of sludge in agriculture, forestry or to land reclamation are limited. Therefore it is suggested that 90% of sludge should be incinerated and the remaining 10% - stabilized with lime and applicated to land reclamation. The ahses generated during the incineration of sludge should be deposited at the municipal waste dump, with possible phosphorus extraction in the future.


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