Energy-from-waste is essential in modern integrated waste management



  • Kurt B. Carlsson Linnéuniversitetet



Kurt Carlsson; ABB Environmental Systems; Integrated Waste Management; Energy-fromWaste, Emissions, Recycling, Recovery.


To solve the waste problem and to use the resources in the waste requires an integrated approach. Each municipality/region/country has its own conditions and an analysis/evaluation of the situation is required. The combustible part of the domestic waste, which remains after sorting out hazardous and economically valuable material, is a good biofuel. It is locally available for supplying the region with electricity and heat for district heating in the local ecocycle. Modern waste fired boilers have minimum emissions to air, water and land. In Sweden there are many good examples of efficient energy recovery systems within Integrated Waste Management.


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SCB: MiljöSverige 3rd edition 1997 (data from "Naturmiljon i siffror 1996")

RVF: Swedish Waste Management 1998

Waste Management -The Swedish Experience Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Article No. UD 98.091. Printed1999.

Björn Dahlroth: Avfall och Energi. En kunskapssarnmanställning StorStockholms Energi Stockholm 1998.

Baltic 21 -Energy

Baltic 21 Series No. 3/98

Danish Energy Agency Copenhagen Fax +45 3311 4743

Personal contact 990617

M.C. KalfKema NL: Environmental impact of energy production Comparison between different energy sources. Conference RAI Amsterdam:The future of Waste to Energy 26/5 1999.

The Swedish translation of an article originally published in the German journalAbfallwirtschafts-Journal 5 (1993) No. 3.Läkarforeningens vetenskapliga rådgivande kommitte: Potentiella hälsorisker från avfallsförbränningsanläggningar


