Monitor - an information system for improved municipal environmental management



  • Björn Frostell Linnéuniversitetet



Environmental monitoring; environmental information system; material flows; Material Flow Accounting: municipal environmental management.


MONITOR is a joint research effort between a number of research institutions and the city of Stockholm. It aims at developing an environmental information system based on (i) accounlings of flows and stocks of materials and energy (environmental pressure) as well as describing the (ii) state of the environment and the (iii ) environmental impact in an integrated way. In MONITOR, data from existing environmental monitoring in Stockholm is integrated with new information on material flows and stocks. A first prototype, illustrating the potential benefits of MONITOR has been developed. A long-term goal is to develop a tool for an improved economising of materials and energy in the Stockholm region. In the paper, the MONITOR programme is presented as well as initial practical approaches to the work.


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