Ecological reating, ventilation and sanitarv technique



  • Lennart Eriksson Linn´universitetet



Research and innovations for new building installations is the main activity of my 10 year old company, ID ERIKSON INNOVATION Ltd, which I founded with 30 years of practical experience with technical development and research in leading firms with heating, ventilation and sanitation technologies.
You can find a relatively large number of firms working in the special fields on the Kalmar region. Together with our new University institutions, good complementary resources are available for further development. We are now even examining the possibilities for co-operation abroad. From identifying a problem to developing a well working solution with these types of systems can require a few years of work, especially if you are a bit too early believing in a potential market for ecological minded products, the demand for which has now increased quite dramatically.


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IEriksson L., Masimov T., Westblom S. ( 1986) Blocks and Flats with Controlled Natural

Ventilation and Recovery of Heat

Swedish Council for Building Research. Document D 19: 1986 (eng.)

Pat. number 8102543-9 in SW.

Pat. number 7803220-8 in SW and equivalent in NO, DK, F, GB, DE, FR, CA and US.

Pat. number 8306875-9 In SW and equivalent in NO, DK, F, GB, DE, FR, CA, US, BE, CH and AT.

Hecktor 8.0., Ramner G. ( 1988) Kontrollerad naturlig ventilation. Utvardering av ellexperimentbyggnadsprojekt. (Controlled Natural Ventilation. Evoluation of an experimentbuilding project) Swedish Council for Building Research. Document R66: 1988 (sw.)

Swedish Council for Building Research (1989) Kontrollerad sjalvdragsventilation. Flaktforstdrkt system for varsam ombyggnad och nyproduktion. (Controlled Natural Ventilation. Fanreinforced system for careful rebuilding and newbuilding) .Report G 18-1989 (SWa.)

Eriksson L. (1997) Sjalvdrag (S), Forstarkt styrt sjdlvdrag (FSS) alternativt Konventionel/ventilation (FTX), Forstudie med miljo-och livscykelkostnadsanalys i skolor. (Naturalventilation, Reinforced and controlled natural ventilation alternate Conventional fan ventilation.Preliminary study with environment-and lifecycle-analyses in schools) Swedish Council for Building Research. Report 970205 (sw .)

Pat.pend number 9703263-5 in SW. 9. Pat. number 9502723-1 in SW.


