Swedish Information Economy : A Preliminary Account



  • Volha Pashkevich Department of Informatics, Linnaeus University
  • Darek M. Haftor Department of Informatics, Linnaeus University
  • Natallia Pashkevich Accounting Department, Stockholm University, Stockholm Business School




information, digitalization, information products, information services, work substitution effects, information-material decomposition


The recent developments and adoptions of digital technologies give rise to the growth of information economies, understood as an aggregate of economic activities that produce informational outputs. Several key characteristics of an information economy differ to the conventional economic wisdom derived from the industrial age, which may impose governmental policy implications and therefore constitutes a key question: how to govern the newly emerged information economy with the thinking of the industrial age economy. Resolving this problem requires, among others, comprehensive understanding of information economies. To that end, Sweden is among the most advanced adopters of digital technologies and represents therefore a suitable empirical base for the investigation of an information economy. This paper offers preliminary results from a first ever account of the Swedish information economy in terms of its value created, jobs and wages; this account shows that the Swedish economy is dominated by its information economy, which requires a careful attention of policy makers.


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